Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, Day #10

Seriously, 10 days without chocolate or bread or crackers? Wow. That's pretty good!

I've been great about walking the treadmill, too. Only missed one day, so far. If I can't walk 30 minutes in my day, there's just something wrong with me. It's not that hard.

My workout clothes are fitting better, but I've decided not to weigh myself every day. I'll wait until Friday to do that. Once per week will be the best for me, I think. That way I'll avoid the disappointment of a plateau I might see if I did it daily.

I also have to calculate my target weight. I did some research on BMI (body mass index), and will post all that tomorrow. Now, it's to bed!

P.S. With this initial weight loss, George says I am snoring less, so that's good news! I'm also tired and going to bed earlier, rising earlier. Normal stuff. Wow.  :)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Day #6

Today, we add veggies back to the diet! Yay! But we're also realizing we aren't really *hungry*. However, I want to eat & drink at regular intervals, so the body will keep burning calories & stored fat.

I did weigh in this morning to some good results. After 5 days, I'm down 7 pounds to 156.
That jump start has been a long time coming, and I'm definitely on the right track.

My target, realistic weight is 123. I began at 163, so that's a major drop of 40 pounds. Just admitting that is so horrifying. Again, how did I let myself get into that large size? <shakes head> Almost all the weight is belly fat, and I'll be so happy when that's GONE.  :)


Post Script: This was a very long travel day, but we're back in the Fleet Suite in Carmel, IN. And, we have new granite countertops in the place. They did good work while we were gone.

My dinner tonight was at Five Guys in the ATL airport, and it was good! Burger in a bowl (no bun) with tomato, lettuce, grilled onion & mushroom and a little mustard. It hit the spot.

The mail accumulated in the box while we were in Reynolds Plantation, and it's always fun to go through the pile upon return. My latest issue of Cook's Illustrated arrived, and I'm looking at it in any entirely new way! It'll be fun to cook meat again.

I'm really hoping to keep to this eating plan, but tomorrow I'm going to experiment with a protein smoothie in my Christmas Blentec blender! Flavored Greek yogurt, ice cubes, non-fat milk, maybe vanilla & Stevia, with the daily oat bran & flaxseed. I need to become 'regular' again, and it's taking more than just drinking loads of water daily. Maybe the smoothie will do the trick.

G'nite! Going to sleep with Geo in our Carmel bed. :)

Day #4 & #5

Reynolds Plantation House Hunting, Almost Buying, and Frustration!

The main thing I'm feeling good about is that I'm following the diet: eating protein only, drinking a lot  of liquids, and on the treadmill every day for 20-30 minutes. So that's something.

After a day of utter disappointment on the housing front, I couldn't even find a good cup of coffee. Finally, I was steered to Sweet Kneads' very sweet young woman owner (who was closing her shop at 3:30ish), and then she suggested I go to Spillin' the Beans coffee shop (turn L at the light, by the pyramid). The owner there was cleaning up and getting set to close at 4 p.m., and was so kind and helpful and it brought me to tears by simply brewing me a damn cup of coffee!

As I told Geo, I'm frustrated that I can't drink wine! I can't eat chocolate! No carbs at all! And, sex? Well, no. ;) So, I guess walking the treadmill and sticking to the diet are *wins*.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day #3 - Traveling to Georgia

I awoke on the couch. I hate that I'm reduced to getting out of bed with Geo, to move to another room in the middle of the night, because my snoring is so loud. 

7:30 a.m. and George was already awake and on the laptop computer. The first thing he said to me was, "Oh, you're awake." And then it was something about looking at the MacKeeper app, and why did it say Lifetime Subscription? That was NOT the way I wanted the morning to begin. I was already carrying over some hurt feelings because yesterday he really raised his voice and was frustrated when I asked, 'What time are we leaving for the airport?" I must ask and then roll my eyes or something when he says he wants to be there so early before a flight. It was a big deal, and I do NOT like to get into confrontational things with him. I understand how it might frustrate him. But, I immediately think to myself about all the things he does that frustrate ME. Not very helpful.

It all blew over. Geo was terrific then, after I told him that wasn't the best way to start a day. He said we should begin again, and gave me a smile & a wonderful loving hug. Because I intellectually know he feels it, and he knows I have to hear the words, he said, "I. Love. You." He's doing that for me. It's not his preferred way of communicating. So that was really, really nice. :)

We left the Carmel apartment at 10 a.m., and made it to the Indpls airport in plenty of time. We beat the IN snowstorm, but had to park on the exposed rooftop, so we'll no doubt come back to a snow-covered car. Oh, well.  

With all the travel time, we were in our rental car in Atlanta at 3:09 p.m. We arrived in Reynolds at 4:39 p.m. 90 minutes - it gets easier and easier each trip. 

So, this day was a challenge just eating protein, but we did it. At the Indy airport Patachou restaurant, I had an omelet with bacon, horseradish & herbs de provence. Tasty. At the Atlanta airport, we shared Chick-fil-A nuggets. Dinner was at Reynolds Plantation & the chef made assorted proteins on a plate for us: flank steak, herbal roasted chicken, grilled shrimp, hard-boiled eggs. Not bad. For a treat, Greek yogurt (with oat bran & flaxseed). We were full!

One of the Reynolds servers is also a nutritionist, so she came over and we discussed the Dukan diet. She said ketosis sounded A-OK, for the short burst of time in the first Attack phase. We also talked about constipation. Water. Water. Water. Water! Tonight I did have my 1st BM in a few days - it was small, dense, and sunk! For the last few years on a mostly vegetarian diet, all my poop was light in color and floated!  

Now it's time for bed in this comfy room. Tomorrow a.m. I'll find the treadmill for at least the 20 minute requirement. And then? House hunting with Dianne at Reynolds. I'm saying a prayer we find the right place for us for the next chapter! Good night & amen.  

Day #2

Since this is my private diet journal, I'm going to be honest, which includes sharing my feelings. 

Day #2 was no fun. I had a headache, but took no pills. Geo did NOT have this side effect. I think this is being caused by no sugar/carbs. I felt completely depressed. When I went down to the treadmill, I took some pictures to record the "before." It was horrible. I don't know how I let myself get into this condition. It's humiliating. I'm at my highest weight ever, and my lowest self-esteem. I feel old, and know that if I can lose the weight, I'll feel so much more youthful & energetic & happy & lovable.

So, I followed the diet, but also slept the day away.

Bette has said repeatedly that we both have 'apple' shapes vs. 'pear' shapes. It's true, but I *hate* that she says this. I want to eliminate my round belly, just so I never have to hear this again. I do think it will be easier to look good because of this shape, however. The hippy pear shape gals have a really hard time of it. So, in a strange way, I'm also grateful for this body type. 

Another humiliation is that with this added weight, I'm snoring. Loudly. So loud that George can't sleep with me. We begin together, he elbows me like mad to roll over, and eventually I'm banished to the couch in the other room, with a door closed between us. He still comes out in the middle of the night to wake me to roll over and stop the noise. I *really* want all that to stop. 

I've been moody, on the edge of tears, all day. Bummer. But I stuck to the diet, no cheating. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Protein! SUPER Sunday 2014

OK. We're starting. George & I have decided to try a new diet.

Our Minneapolis friend, Margarette, has dropped weight (35# and counting!) and gotten fit on the 'protein is your friend,' Dukan Diet, created by French doctor, Pierre Dukan. We bought the book, filled with easy to follow rules, and a pretty Tiffany blue cover.

Obviously, the carb-filled diet we've been on hasn't worked. We're not fit at all. Bloated, in fact. Not only are our clothes tight, my hands are so puffy I can't get rings on and off!

Bye bye, vegan, vegetarian, & carbs. Hello, protein & no-fat dairy. 

Saturday Feb 1st:
Our Last Supper yesterday was a gourmet affair at Pi Phi pal, Mo Merhoff's, lovely Carmel, IN home. She and husband, Paul Reis, invited us over since we're currently Carmel residents. It was a fun night, and we ate everything with gusto! Cheese & crackers, wine, salad, asparagus, delicious & tender medium rare steak on the grill from Joe's Butcher Shop & Fish Market on Main Street, cute light green cone-shaped baby cauliflowers on a bed of parmesan cheese - and then dessert! We had Oberweis dairy home-delivered vanilla ice cream with home-baked apple pie from Long Grove IL confectionery. Wowwee!


Sunday Feb 2nd:                   SUPER BOWL SUNDAY & DAY 1

This is a new journal format, and we have a complimentary excel spreadsheet, to easily track our diet successes! ;)  The big part I'll need to remember is One Day At A Time. If I have a craving for something not allowed during Dukan phases, then I'll just say, "I'm not having that TODAY. If I still want it tomorrow, then maybe." That plan certainly worked for me when I stopped drinking - Oct. 1, 1985, 28+ years ago, thankyouverymuch! That gives me confidence. It's also *really* good that George & I are in this together.

We have a trip planned to Reynolds Plantation in a couple days, so that will be a challenge. But for today, Day 1, it's going well! No oil. No sugar. No cheating. 

It's 10 p.m., but I haven't walked my 20 minutes yet, so downstairs I go to the Carmel City Center treadmill...